Dear Community members,
It is my pleasure to give you a status report of the Dash Core Team activities. Below, you will find our report covering activities performed through the end of June, grouped by the four strategic areas of focus for 2016.
Software Development
- Dash core wallet - version 12.x (lead developer: Evan Duffield (Unlicensed))
- Testing of version 12.1 in progress. Bug-fixing and stabilization.
- Dash Evolution Web-Mobile Platform (lead developer: Andy Freer (Unlicensed))
- Evolution planning and optimization work in progress (goal: to shorten time of Evolution development and delivery by good design, planning and resourcing).
- Design & Prototyping work for the decentralized-API and platform architecture
- Managing existing development on core platform components and clients.
- Evolution planning and optimization work in progress (goal: to shorten time of Evolution development and delivery by good design, planning and resourcing).
- Dash wallet for Android - updated features (lead developer: HashEngineering)
- The Major Update (v4.40.12L) with the new UI and full InstantSend support that runs on MainNet was posted first to Github, then to Google Play. In July, we collect the feedback.
- For the 12.1 TestNet, we hope to have a working app finished in July (some work is done to this end).
- When 12.1 is running on MainNet, we hope that the updates that allow the 12.1 TestNet app to work will carry over to the MainNet version 12.1.
- Dash iPhone Wallet
- No further updates this month. We are still waiting for the acceptance on Apple Store
- Electrum-Dash wallet development (PM: Robert Wiecko (Deactivated); external vendor: Tyler Willis (Unlicensed))
- Work on the upgrade to the latest version of Electrum code-base (v.2.6.4) in progress
- Upgrade to the latest version of the python-trezor library
- Detailed status reports are available in this location: /wiki/spaces/DAS/pages/41975863
- Dash core wallet - version 12.x (lead developer: Evan Duffield (Unlicensed))
Business Development
- Fiat Gateways (including Lamassu) project (PM: Daniel Diaz (Unlicensed), external vendor: Deginner)
- Lamassu user interface is being merged by the designer
- Rework of the code after ETH changes (hard-coded changes made by the Lamassu team, caused need for additional development effort)
- Deginner works on Lamassu in 2 main streams:
- Integration with original Lamassu stack and
- More operator-friendly implementation (as official stack is very complicated to upgrade and requires a lot of technical knowledge). To produce 2nd stack, Deginner is using Broker implementation
- Continuous development of the trade manager software (trade bots, Dash market making software) - this is used by the new Lamassu development stream as well
- Broker is being developed as an API service (they will be used as a component to component services)
- Detailed reports available in this location: Fiat Gateways
- ProtonMail Integration (PM: Robert Wiecko (Deactivated))
- Second version of Technical specification prepared and sent to the Customer.
- Visit in the Proton office on 14 June 2016. Productive discussion about integration and next steps after the integration
- Development of the backed service in progress
- Shake debit card integration (led by Ryan Taylor (Deactivated))
- Delays experienced on the Shake side due to the issues with physical cards not working properly.
- Shake works on the fix. Dash team stays connected.
- Three new strategic partnerships established. Further updates and announcements to be publishes in upcoming months (when MOA / MOU documents will be agreed and signed)
- Fiat Gateways (including Lamassu) project (PM: Daniel Diaz (Unlicensed), external vendor: Deginner)
Marketing and Communication
- Cooperation with 8BTC relaunched
- New website design
- Work handed over from @TheDashGuy to the project team. General layout and design are ready - there is a need to work on remaining details of the design, prepare content, images
- Work contnued by the other developer (professional design agency)
- Next step is to prepare CMS templates, upload mockups, images and put the content to the tool (including translations)
- Dash Wiki maintenence and updates
- Started preparation for d10e conference in San Francisco - Dash project will have a presentation done by Evan Duffield (Unlicensed), Daniel Diaz (Unlicensed) will be a part of the discussion panel and Perry Woodin (Unlicensed) will have his presentation with Node40.
- Sign-up and preparations to Atlanta Bitcoin Meetup (in August).
- now with Portuguese News Section:
- DASH: Detailed (Amanda's Show) now available in Multiple Language Subtitles. Few examples:
- Dash now sponsoring "Ideias Radicais" , Brazilian YT Channel (141,021 Subscribers / general views per video 15k - 330k):
- Special Dash Episode:
Widget Connector url
- Special Dash Episode:
Project Organization
- Dash Project Management Framework updated with the Agile development methods:
- Coordination of the Evolution Planning efforts.
- Core team budget proposal for Q3 and Q4 drafted, prepared for submission and submitted to the budgeting system.
- Work on the effective core team structure (early proposals drafted)
- Coordination of preparations to d10e conference (administrative matters, communication, presentation, handout)
- Interface is being merged by the designer
- Code is still being re-worked after ETH changes (hard-coded changes)
- Deginner works in 2 streams:
o Integration with original Lamassu stack and
o More operator-friendly implementation (as official stack is very complicated to upgrade and requires a lot of technical knowledge). To produce 2nd stack, Deginner is using Broker and entire
- There is a short-term plan for the release (next month)
Launch of CTMs