Dash Partnership with Transform PR

Dash Partnership with Transform PR

Dear Community Members,

The Dash core team is pleased to officially announce our new partnership with Transform PR, a public relations company with extensive experience in the cryptocurrency field. Transform PR has worked with many cryptocurrency projects, including Augur, Counterparty, Factom, GEMS, MaidSafe, Mastercoin, Neucoin and Storj, as well as the incubation of Ethereum at KryptoKit and the Ripple incubator.  The Transform PR team is led by Michael Terpin, who also heads up BitAngels and is a leading investor and thought leader in the digital asset sector.  Outside cryptocurrency, he has headed up PR initiatives for many established brands, including AT&T, America Online, Fujitsu, JBL, Konami, Match.com, Memorex, Motley Fool, Philips, Rackspace, Red Herring, and TEAC.

During the first three months of our partnership, Transform PR will seek to gain a high level of visibility in both the crypto community and the mainstream business and technology press, which is critical to driving new user adoption and demonstrating industry leadership. Their goals over the first few months include:

  1. Establish Dash as the first privacy-centric cryptographic currency that is based on Bitcoin software and addresses many of the problems of Bitcoin.
  2. Increase understanding of Dash’s digital asset and unique blockchain technology.
  3. Raise visibility around Dash’s technological achievements within the crypto community through a steady stream of news coverage, and begin to penetrate top-tier business and technology media through features and commentary.
  4. Substantially increase the visibility of Dash in blogs and/or Web searches throughout the three-month campaign, as well as in social media mentions as a result of this increased coverage.
  5. Increase understanding and demand for Dash, resulting in higher volume and price relative to Bitcoin.

The initial campaign, paid for by the blockchain through the decentralized budgeting process, will last for three months. At the end of this period, the Dash team will review Transform PR’s progress with respect to these goals. If the campaign was successful, additional campaigns will be planned and submitted for funding via the budgeting system.


About Michael Terpin

Terpin founded Marketwire, one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive international newswires. Marketwire employs more than 200 people and has annual revenues of more than $100 million, with offices on four continents. In early 2013, Terpin co-founded BitAngels, the first angel network for investors in cryptocurrency startups, which has grown to more than 500 members, completing two dozen investments. He has been a frequent speaker at leading technology and marketing conferences, including Ad:Tech, CES, E3, ETRE, NAB, PRSA and Social Media Week, as well as the vast majority of cryptocurrency conferences globally. He was a finalist in the 2000 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

Terpin holds an MFA in Creative Writing from SUNY at Buffalo and a dual Bachelor’s Degree in Newspaper Journalism and English Literature from Syracuse University. He serves as an advisor to SU’s Newhouse School of Public Communications, where he was inducted into its prestigious Wall of Fame in October 2000. Terpin is also a private investor and/or board member for several privately held technology start-up companies, and he is chairman of the PR industry digital media company, CommPro Global. He is regularly interviewed by Bloomberg, Entrepreneur, the Wall Street Journal and other leading media, as well as writes about digital asset topics for Barrons, Forbes, CoinDesk and Cointelegraph, among others.

About Transform PR

Transform Group, LLC is a full-service public relations, social media marketing and marketing strategy firm, with an international client base. The Firm has strong expertise in high technology, financial communications, media/entertainment, consumer electronics and consumer products. Headquartered in Las Vegas, with offices in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley, the Firm is dedicated to creating and sustaining industry leadership positions for its clients through superior strategy, relationships, market intelligence and consistent execution. Over the past two decades, the Firm has helped seize market leadership opportunities in fast-changing markets, including technology and consumer electronics; media and entertainment; finance and healthcare. The Firm has been at the forefront of establishing market trends, including the introduction of the first digital camera (Chinon), nationwide ISP (Earthlink), large-scale technology incubator (America Online Greenhouse), online financial community (The Motley Fool), first videogame superstar (Fatal1ty) and world’s largest call to action (Live 8 music concerts, with 27 million participants). The Firm has also been a leader in Internet marketing, technology crisis management, social media, and international market entry.

Transform Public Relations is the brand for the Firm’s public relations practice, layering in thought leadership and a focus on new paradigms and markets (including 3D, big data, Bitcoin, digital media, mobile, on-demand platforms, robotics/drones and SaaS). Transform Group is the leading PR firm in the cryptocurrency sector, having represented more than 40 companies, organizations and projects in the sectors since 2013, including Augur, Bitcoin Shop, Blade, ChangeTip, Factom, Gem, GEMS, GoCoin, Gyft, KnCMiner, Kraken, Mastercoin, MaidSafe, Rivetz, ShapeShift, Storj, Swarm and Tether.

SocialRadius is the social media marketing division of Transform Group. With roots going back to 2003, it is one of the nation’s first social media marketing agencies, pioneering many strategies and techniques that are common today. Success stories include the outreach for recording artist will.i.am’s Yes We Can video for the Obama campaign (which won 2008 Emmy, Global Media and Webby awards, as well as a 2009 Clio Gold Lion, garnering 50 million views on YouTube and 500 million traditional media impressions); social media event marketing for Live8, social mobile marketing at LiveEarth, the Green Inaugural Ball and the David Lynch Foundation; and the viral marketing of Scarface School Play for Rockhard Films (3 million views in two days).

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