Year 2015 Summary

Year 2015 Summary

This document is to list what we have achieved during 2015. Bullet points below are just draft information. This needs to be edited by professional editor (native English)




  1. Technical / Development
    1. Stable implementation of the 2nd tier
    2. Added InstantX instant transactions: https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/darkcoin-now-supports-instant-transactions/
    3. Blockchain based governance and network-funded budgeting system: https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/dash-implement-decentralized-governance-system/
    4. Upgrade from Litecoin to Bitcoin Core codebase
    5. Release of the Dash wallet version 11
    6. Release of the Dash wallet version 12
    7. Added support for multi Masternode configurations from a single wallet
    8. Improved DarkSend speed and efficiency
    9. Implementation of the project governance framework
    10. Improvements to Masternode payment frequency
    11. Implementation of the Electrum-Dash wallet (together with TREZOR implementation): https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DOC/Hardware+Wallets
    12. Implementation of the Apple iPhone wallet: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DOC/iPhone+-+DashWallet+v.0.8.8
    13. Implementation of the Android wallet: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hashengineering.darkcoin.wallet
    14. Launch of Dash Evolution (3rd Tier, decentralized social data storage, social network functionality, an identity system, a decentralized API): https://www.dash.org/evolution/
  1. Marketing
    1. Re-branded Darkcoin to Dash
    2. New website coinciding with rebranding. More content, new design and multilingual (Chinese, Russian and Spanish)
    3. dash.org domain purchase
    4. Launched new website design project
    5. Creation of "What is Dash?" video and translated it to 20 languages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GACaNvBlwc
    6. Presentation at Barcelona Bitcoin Meetup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj-5sBFHQAU 
    7. Presentation at Bitcoin Wednesday in Amsterdam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD9kZXWAeSs 
      1. Dash keynote in October and next two sessions in November and December
      2. Dash as a sponsor of Bitcoin Wednesday
      3. New contacts and relationships taken from the event
    8. Presentation at FinTech Amsterdam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIvcQIdSbIY 
    9. LaBITconf 2015 in Mexico: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqWjAGfegIQ 
      1. Evan's keynote during the conference
      2. New contacts and business relationships with key crypto industry representatives
    10. Tennis open advertisement
    11. Multiple community videos and marketing campaigns
    12. First Dash music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EZ8U5F8V1U

  2. Business development
    1. Establishment of new relationships
      1. Bitcoin Wednesday
      2. LaBITConf relationship and participation in the conference
      3. Koinbanx relationship established during conference in Mexico 
      4. North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami
      5. Transform PR - they will support our PR and marketing efforts
    2. Merchants and services
      1. Initiated project of Dash integration with Lamassu BTMs
      2. Trezor hardware wallet for Dash
      3. Genesis Mining https://www.genesis-mining.com/ (offering cloud mining services for Dash)
      4. Additional merchants, for more details go to: https://dashtalk.org/threads/merchant-directory-listing-updated-oct-2015.3445/

  3. PR / Social Media
    1. Extended Social Media Pages:
      1. 13 Pages (daily updates)
      2. 4-5 Chat Groups (incl, Slack, Telegram, IRC,....)
    2. China (as they can not access dash.org)
      1. Banner Ads on 8btc
      2. 8btc Community/ Wallet download page / Dash Section/ translations (100% News)
      3. Extended Social Media (QQ Group's)
      4. www.dashpay.cn ready but not launched yet 
    3. Spain
      1. Banner Ads 
      2. Translation / Publishing News / Giveaway
      3. Extended Social Media (FB page)
    4. Portugal
      1. Banner Ads 
      2. Translation / Publishing News / Giveaway
      3. Extended Social Media (FB page + Telegram Chat Group)
    5. Russia
      1. http://dash.org.ru

      2. Translation / Publishing News / a lot of community PR
      3. Extended Social Media (FB page)
    6. Wiki + YouTube (Guides)
      1. YouTube   502 subscribers   56,132 views 120 Videos (incl different languages + Subtitles)
      2. Dash Wiki (99% up to date, incl Guides, Videos, Explanations, Help, Q n A,....)

  4. Orgnizational
    1. Dash Strategy:  https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OC/Dash+Strategy
    2. Mission and Vision statement: https://dashtalk.org/threads/dash-mission-and-vision-statement.4998/
    3. New core team members: moocowmoo, fulltimegeek, balu, __kot__ and many others
    4. Migration to Slack and defined roles in our virtual organization
    5. Implementation of Jira, Confluence, and Bamboo to support project development

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