November 2016 - Dash Core Team Monthly Report

November 2016 - Dash Core Team Monthly Report

Dear Community members,

It is my pleasure to give you a status report of the Dash Core Team activities. Below, you will find our report covering activities performed through the end of November, grouped by the four strategic areas of focus for 2016.

  1. Software Development

    1. Dash core wallet - version 12.x (lead developer: Evan Duffield (Unlicensed))
      1. Testnet of 0.12.1 in progress.
      2. Bug fixing
    2. Dash Evolution Web-Mobile Platform (lead developer: Andy Freer (Unlicensed))
      1. Main focus on backend development (led by Jon Kindel (Deactivated))
    3. Electrum-Dash wallet development (PM: Balazs Kiraly (Deactivated); developer: Tyler Willis (Unlicensed))
      1. Work on the Mac build fix
      2. Multiple issues with hardware experienced and caused lack of progress
    4. Mycelium integration
      1. No progress on Dash integration part
      2. Detailed updates available in the following location: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/mycelium-integration.10541/
  2. Business Development

    1. ProtonMail Integration (PM: Robert Wiecko (Deactivated), Lead developer: Jon Kindel (Deactivated)
      1. Project suspended due to the lack of progress on ProtonMail side
    2. Wall of Coins

      1. Kickoff call on 10th of Nov
      2. Technical questions clarified on 18th of Nov
      3. Update posted on the forum: 
    3. Living Room of Satoshi adds Dash and removes other altcoins: https://www.livingroomofsatoshi.com/

      1. project launched

    4. New Baikal A900 X11 Miner released: https://youtu.be/shybNOibvX8

    5. Ledger Nano S and Ledger Blue support Dash: https://www.ledgerwallet.com

  3. Marketing and Communication

    1. Wachsman PR project
      1. Second project review conducted 
      2. Detailed updates available in the following location: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/wachsman-pr-dash-pr-agency.11077
    2. African Dash Meet Ups: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/west-africa-meet-up-calendar.11374/

    3. US Meet Ups: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-nov-us-meetups.11446/

    4. Andy + Evan on The Crypto Show: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/evan-duffield-and-andy-freer-joining-the-crypto-show-tonight.11482/

    5. Fernando presenting at Barcelona Bitcoin Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/bitcoin-barcelon

    6. GitHub Dash Community Page now available: https://dashcommunity.github.io

    7. New Webpage - Beta release: http://www-test.dash.org/

    8. Evan Duffield interview with Ideias Radicais (Br YT Channel)

    9. Kazakhstan Dash Meetup / Presentation: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/Первый-dash-митап-в-Астане-Казахстан.12049/#post-108680

  4. Project Organization

    1. Work on Crisis Management and Release Management processes 
    2. Onboarding of two new Evolution backend developers
    3. Work on Dash Service Desk setup
    4. Work on the contract templates (for employees and contractors)